
To achieve the goal of facilitate entrepreneurs to run the business easily without any hassle, The Government of Tamil Nadu is taking pro active steps to make the Tamil Nadu State as investors friendly by implementing the Ease of doing business.

The main object of the EOD is to:

Implementation online application system with the following features:

  • No need to submit physical copy of application.
  • Eliminate physical touch point for document submission.
  • Allow option of online payment of application fee.
  • Allow applicant to track status of application online.
  • Applicant can download the final certificate online.


The Labour Department as developed an exclusive portal to facilitate ‘ease of doing business’ with facilities for Registration / Licensing/ Renewal / Amendments / Transfer / Closure and Online Inspection Scheme under various Labour legislations and Legal Metrology Act as mentioned below:

  1. Tamil Nadu Shop and Establishments Act
  2. Tamil Nadu Catering Establishments Act
  3. The Contract Labour Act
  4. The Inter State Migrant Workmen Act
  5. The Motor Transport Workers Act
  6. The Beedi and Cigar Workers Act
  7. The Plantation Labour Act
  8. The Trade Union Act
  9. Legal Metrology Act, 2009
  10. Packaged Commodity Rules, 2011.

Once the application is submitted successfully, it will be verified and given approval by the authority through online. Then the system allows the user to download the final e-signed approval Certificate from the online portal.

In order to avoid multiplicity of filing Annual Returns under various Labour Laws Combined Annual Return has been introduced in the online web portal. Thus it has been facilitated in easing the compliance burden of the employers for submission of returns.

In order to avoid duplication/multiplicity of registers, this facilitate simplified registers are going to be introduced. This causes reduction in the number of registers to be maintained by the establishments.

Inspection Schemes

The Scheduling of inspections will be done though the Online Inspection module. The number of establishments to be inspected will be calculated on monthly basis for each category (Low, Medium, High) The establishments will be selected randomly by the computer in the first week of the month for the inspections to be conducted in the succeeding month. The establishments selected will be such that a uniform mix of different type of establishment in terms of nature of business, size of work force, locations etc is achieved.

  • Inspection will be conducted on the designated date by the designated inspecting officer in respect of all the laws by way of a single Joint Inspection.
  • Establishments will be categorized as:
    1. Low Risk (1to 9 workers),
    2. Medium Risk (10 to 49 workers) and
    3. High Risk (50and more workers)
  • The said categorization will be done through the online inspections module developed as part of the web portal of labour department.
  • The frequency of inspections for these categorized Establishments shall be: Low risk
    1. establishments - once in five years
    2. Medium Risk Establishments - once in two years
    3. High risk Establishments - Every year.

    Self -Certification

    • Under self-certification scheme the establishments will submit information about the Number of workers, wages paid, gratuity, leave facilities etc., in a simplified format through online.
    • Self-certification scheme has been proposed for the following establishments:
    1. Medium risk category of establishments
    2. Low risk category of establishments
    Sl.No Risk Category Frequency of Inspection If applied under the Self Certification Scheme
    1 Low Risk Once in 5 Year Establishment Enrolled under the Self-Certification-cum-Combined annual returns scheme shall be exempted from Physical Inspection.
    2 Medium Risk Once in 2 Years Establishments in the above scheme shall be randomly inspected once in five years.
    Labour and Employment (H2) Department G.O (Ms) No 151 dated 31.8.2017 download
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    Ease of Doing Business – Online Common Inspection Scheme of Commissioner of Labour Download