The Tamilnadu Institute of Labour Studies, Chennai, the first of its kind in South India was established by the Government of Tamilnadu on 29.03.1973. Since its inception, the Institute has been expanding its activities. In order to enlarge the activities, the Government of Tamilnadu upgraded this Institute as a First Class Institute on 30.03.1978. The Institute functions under the direct control of Labour and Employment Department of the Government of Tamilnadu till March 1988. With a view to enable this Institute to have adequate autonomy in Administrative and Financial matters for its efficient functioning, the Government converted it as Society viz., Tamilnadu Institute of Labour Studies Society vide G.O.Ms. No. 1472 Labour Department dated 14.7.87 and registered under the Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act 1975. Accordingly, the Institute has been functioning as an autonomous body with effect from 01.04.1988.
'The Governing Committee of the Institute is constituted by the Government of Tamilnadu. Honourable Minister for Labour is the Chairman and the Secretary to Government, Labour and Employment Department is the Vice Chairman.