
Details of Welfare Assistance Sanctioned to the Registered Construction Workers from 16.5.2011 to 31.12.2018

No.Of Beneficiaries Amount Rs.
1 Accident Death and Funeral Assistance 1164 117303800
2 Accident Death at work place and Funeral Assistance 14 7012000
3 Accident Death at work place(Unregistered Workers) 52 26000000
4 Disablement due to accident 119 6670000
5 Natural Death and Funeral Assistance 23402 401441000
6 Marriage Assistance 36073 116986273
7 Maternity Assistance 2607 14372000
8 Education Assistance(Total):- 1073991 1923242146
10th Studying (Only for Girl Children) 102700 102700000
11th Studying (Only for Girl Children) 108841 108841000
12th Studying (Only for Girl Children) 109200 163800000
10th Pass 147018 147018000
12th Pass 130493 195739500
Higher Education 474773 1204177646
9 Spectacles Assistance 3249 1620288
10 Pension(Total):- 66434 2009698322
(a)Monthly Pension 66405 2009576372
(b)Disability Pension 29 121950
11 Family Pension 78 620318
Total 12,07,183 462,54,64,147