
The son / daughter of a registered construction worker, studying in regular bachelor degree course, gets Rs.1500/-, hostel student Rs.1,750/-, the students studying in post graduate course receives Rs.2,000/- and the post graduate hostel student gets Rs.3,000/- as assistance.

The son / daughter studying in professional course ( law, engineering, medical etc.) gets Rs.2,000/- and hostel student gets Rs.4,000/- as assistance.

The son / daughter studying post graduate professional course gets Rs.6,000/- and a hostel student gets Rs.8,000/- as assistance. Polytechnic course students gets Rs.1,000/- and hostel student gets Rs.1,200/- as assistance.

A regisered construction worker only two children are allowed for the educational assistance and the application should be in the form prescribed in manual with all its enclosures. Where both husband and wife have applied for assistance under this clause, husband alone shall be eligible for such assistance.

(Clause 15(1)(2)(3)&(4) , of T.N.C.W.W. Scheme , 1994)
