The Act covers all cine-workers as defined therein, ie. an individual who is employed directly or through any contractor or other person in or in connection with, the production of a feature film to work as an artist and whose remuneration does not exceed Rs. 1600/- per mensum and where such remuneration is by way of a lumpsum, a sum of Rs. 15000/-
Every producer of a feature film, before engaging cine-workers, will be required to enter into a written agreement and the agreement shall be registered with the competent authority notified under law. Where the cine-workers are engaged through a contractor or other person, the agreement will have to be executed by the producers and such contractor or other person.
A dispute could be raised by the affected workman in case of breach of any of the terms and conditions of the agreement with the conciliation officer of the state. In the event of parties failing to arrive at a settlement, the Conciliation Officer will report to the Central Government about the failure and the Central Government may refer the dispute to single member cine-worker's tribunals constituted under the law.