
The Government notified that all the persons and agencies engaged in any construction work should pay 1% of the total estimated cost of the proposed construction work, towards the Manual Workers General Welfare Fund. As on 28.02.2014 the Fund position of the Construction Workers Welfare Board is Rs.738.32 Crores .

The contribution received from the local authorities from the inception of the Board is as follows:

Period Rs.
1 30.11.1994 to 31.03.2005 = 104,94,64,970.00
2 01.04.2005 to 31.03.2006 = 30,50,00,080.00
3 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2007 = 31,10,64,892.00
4 01.04.2007 to 31.03.2008 = 47,80,97,716.00
5 01.04.2008 to 31.03.2009 = 49,16,75,417.50
6 01.04.2009 to 31.03.2010 = 60,18,03,693.00
7 01.04.2010 to 31.03.2011 = 72,78,21,857.46
8 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2012 = 88,77,08,425.00
9 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013 = 119,05,22,570.50
10 01.04.2013 to 28.02.2014 = 134,01,27,665.50
Total = 738,32,87,287.46