
The Skill training to unorganised workers

The Government have issued order vie G.O No (Ms) 90 (Labour and Employment (I2) Department) dated 05.03.2013 for providing skill development training to 430 workers registered with the TNCWWB or their dependents in the districts of Chennai, Dharmapuri, Vellore, Madurai and Tuticorin in Basic Electrical Training, Basic Welding (ARC), Assistant Plumber, Assistant Mason and Basic Wood Work at the cost of Rs. 11,44,000/- in Government ITIs. Training imparted through TAC

  • The Government vide G.O (Ms) No.262 Labour and Employment (I2) Department dated 12.11.2013, have approved conducted of awareness camps regarding safety training measures to the construction worker and the employers twice in a month at a cost of Rs. 0.32 Crores in order to prevent accidents art work site by the Director of Industrial Safety and Training. The Director of Industrial Safety and Training has conducted 21 Training Classes and 2220 construction workers through out the state by utilizing the funds released from the TNCWWB as per the said G.O.
  • A sum of Rs. 51.97 Lakhs has been utilised from the Tamil Nadu Construction Workers Welfare Board Fund for creation of central office and certain posts for Tamil Nadu Academy of Construction at DMS Compound Teynampet, Chennai as per the Government vide G.O (Ms) No 24 (Labour & Employment (I2) Department) dated 04.01.2013. The TAC focuses on retraining and re-skilling workers through Government Industrial Training Institutes under Modular Employable Skill Training Programme. Initially, registered manual workers of Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram, Thiruvannamalai, Vellor, Madurai, Trichy, Coimbatore and Salem Districts have been offered skill training through TAC.