
In the year 1920, the Government of Madras undertook an exhaustive enquiry about the living conditions of the workers who were not working in factories. The reason for this was that by that time the Government had already appointed one Chief Inspector of Factories and two Inspectors of Factories to look after the welfare and working conditions of the workmen employed in the factories and the workers outside the factories had nobody to take care of their welfare.

The officer appointed to conduct the enquiry was Sir George Paddison, I.C.S. He became the first Commissioner of Labour in 1920 charged with the duty of the betterment of labourers and the department under him came to be known as the Labour Department. In the same year as the Commissioner of Labour was already dealing with non-industrial labour he was found to be the officer best suited for dealing with Industrial Labour also.

The Government therefore, placed the Factories Department under the control of the Commissioner of Labour who thus became the head of both the Labour and the Factories Departments. Subsequently in the year 1987 the Factories Department was separated from the Labour Department. Slowly the Department of Labour had expanded and it has on its rolls as on date.

Designation No. of Posts
Commissioner of Labour 1
Additional Commissioner of Labour (Child Labour) 1
Additional Commissioner of Labour 12
Joint Commissioner of Labour 16
Deputy Commissioner of Labour 24
Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Conciliation) 15
Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement) 30
Assistant Commissioner of Labour (SSS) 40
Administrative Officer 3
Accounts Officer 1
Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Women Welfare) 3
Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Plantations) 8
Public Relations Officer 1
Assistant Commissioner of Labour on OD 4
Assistant Surgeon (Plantations) 2
Deputy Inspector of Labour  70
Assistant Inspector of Labour 220
Stamping Inspector 101
Statistical Inspector 20
Superintendent 85
Up-Graded Superintendent 101
Accountant 2
Librarian 1
Assistant 573
Junior Assistant 354
Steno-Typist 70
Typist 144
Telephone Operator 1
Record Clerk 12
Record Assistant 2
Driver 74
Instrument Mechanic 2
Stamping Smith 101
Daffador 1
Maistry 1
Office Assistant 88
Watchman 49
Sweeper 1
Masalchi 2
Total 2236