The Plantations Labour Act 1951 has been enacted to provide for the welfare of the plantation labour and to regulate the conditions of work, in plantations. This Act is applicable to any land used or intended to be used for the growing of tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona or cardamom with an extent of 5 hectares or more and in which 15 or more persons are employed.
The provisions of the Act shall also apply to any land used or intended to be used for growing any other plant which admeasures less than 5 hectares or the number of persons employed therein is less than 15 by the State Government Notification.
This Act is unique in nature as it provides for peculiar facilities such as free housing to workers, free supply of power, free medical treatment to workers and their families, providing creche, educational facilities, canteen facilities and protective clothing such as cumblies & rug and provision of protected drinking water supply and conservancy.