The Enforcement of Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and Tamil Nadu Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011 and the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 are enforced in Tamil Nadu by the Assistant Commissioners of Labour, Deputy Inspectors of Labour, and Assistant Inspectors of labour. The above Inspectors within the local limits of their jurisdiction inspect and test at all reasonable times any weight or measure which is in possession, custody or control of any person or any premises whether such weight or measure is in conformity with the standards established by or under this Act.
An Inspector for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of any weight or measure used in any transaction, may test the weight or measure or the articles sold or delivered to any person in the course of such transaction. The Inspector may also require the production of every document or other record relating to the weight or measure.
An Inspector may, if he has any reason to believe, whether from any information given to him by any person and taken down by him in writing or from personal knowledge or otherwise, that an offence punishable under this Act has been, or is likely to be committed in relation to any weight, measure or other goods which are sold, delivered or distributed by weight, measure or number, enter at all reasonable times into any premises.
The Inspector may seize and detain any weight or measure and detain any documents or other records relating to such weight or measure in relation to which an offence under this Act is being or appears to have been committed.
If any contravention is noticed by the Inspector at the time of his inspection, he shall issue a show cause notice to the concerned trader before compounding offence or file a complaint against the offender before court of law
In Tamil Nadu Labour Department Enforces the following Act and Rules