
The following online services are available through Labour Department wellsite.

  • Grant of New Licence to Manufacturer of Weights and Measures
  • Grant of New Licence to Repairer of Weights and Measures
  • Grant of New Licence to Dealer of Weights and Measures
  • Amendment to Manufacturer/Repairer/Dealer Licence
  • Issue of New Registration Certificate to Manufacturer/Packer/Importer Under Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011
  • Amendment to Registration Certificate to Manufacturer/Packer/Importer.
  • Renewal of Manufacturer Licence
  • Renewal of Repairer Licence
  • Renewal of Dealer Licence
  • Verification / Re-verification and stamping of Weight and Measures ( under Process)


  • The applicant shall register their establishment details in the Labour department website and create their own user name and password.
  • The applicant shall fill the application through online and upload necessary documents.
  • The applicant must pay the necessary fee through the payment gateway.
  • Finally submit application.


  • The concerned area Assistant Inspector of Labour /Legal Metrology Officer after scrutinising the application will inspect the applicants premises.
  • After making inspection, the Assistant Inspector of Labour /Legal Metrology Officer upload the inspection report with their recommendation in the online system, which is forwarded to Deputy Controller of Legal Metrology (ACL).
  • The Deputy Controller(ACL) then review the submitted recommendation and scrutinises the authenticity of the application then forward the online application with recommendation to the Controller of Legal Metrology.
  • The Controller after scrutinizing all the documents If it is found correct then will approve the licence otherwise will return the application for rectification.


  • For grant of New Licence to Weights and Measures Manufacturer.
  • Duly self-attested Identity Proof of Proprietor/Authorised Signatory (Pan Card/Aadhaar Card/Voter I.D./Driving Licence etc.)*
  • Rental Agreement/Lease Agreement/Own Building Document *
  • No objection certificate from owner of Rental/Leased Building
  • Blue print for building by registered surveyor*
  • Tools List invoice & List of tools *
  • Invoice for Test Equipments/Certificate of Verification for Test Weights/Test Weighing Instruments *
  • Technical Qualification (B.E/Diploma Certificate)/Experience Certificate*
  • The monogram or trade mark intended to be imprinted on weights and measures to be manufactured *
  • GST Number/ PAN Number file*
  • Details of Model Approval received from Government of India*
  • For grant of New Licence to Weights and Measures Repairer
  • Rental agreement or owned building document*
  • Blue print for building by registered surveyor* EB card Xerox*
  • Details of machinery, tools, accessories, owned and used for manufacturing weights, measures, etc.*
  • No objection certificate from rental building owner
  • Invoice for Test Equipments/Certificate of Verification for Test Weights/Test Weighing Instruments*
  • Technical Qualification/Experience Certificate*
  • GST/PAN Number document*
  • For grant of New Licence to Weights and Measures Dealer
  • Duly self-attested identity Proof (Pan Card/Aadhaar Card/Voter I.D./Driving Licence etc.)*
  • Rental agreement or owned building document*
  • No objection certificate from rental building owner*
  • Blue print for building by registered surveyor*
  • GST Number / PAN Number file*
  • Dealership letter from Manufacture Company*
  • For Issue of New Registration Certificate to Manufacturer/Packer/Importer Under Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011
  • Duly self-attested Identity Proof of Proprietor/Authorised Signatory (Pan Card/Aadhaar Card/Voter I.D./Driving Licence etc.)*
  • Certificate of Verification of Weight and Measure intend to use for packaging purpose
  • Food Safety License details
  • GST Number / PAN Number Document of the Company*
  • Amendment to Registration Certificate to Manufacturer/Packer/Importer.
  • Renewal of Manufacturer Licence
  • GST Number/ PAN Number file*
  • Details of Model Approval received from Government of India*
  • Upload the copy of manufacture license with renewal entries*
  • Renewal of Repairer Licence
  • GST Number/ PAN Number file*
  • Upload the copy of Dealer license with renewal entries
  • Renewal of Dealer Licence
  • GST Number/ PAN Number file*
  • Upload the copy of repairer license with renewal entries
  • Verification / Re-verification and stamping of Weight and Measures ( under Process)


Sl.No. Name of Acts Services 1st Level Verification 2nd Level Verification Final Approval Total Time Limits
1 Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishment Act,1947 Registration Awaiting --- --- ---
2 The Tamil Nadu Catering Establishment Act,1958 Registration 7 --- --- 7 Days
Renewal/Amendment 3 --- --- 3 Days
3 The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)Act,1970 Registration 7 --- --- 7 Days
Licence 7 --- --- 7 Days
Renewal /Amendment 3 --- --- 3 Days
4 The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act,1979. Registration 7 --- --- 7 Days
Licence 7 --- --- 7 Days
Renewal / Amendment 3 --- --- 3 Days
5 The Trade Unions Act,1926 Registration 30 --- --- 30 Days
Amendment 7 --- --- 7 Days
6 The Motor Transport Workers Act,1961 Registration 5 3 7 15 Days
Renewal/Amendment 3 2 2 7 Days
7 Tamil Nadu Beedi And Cigar Workers (Condition of Employment)Rules,1968 Licence 7 --- --- 7 Days
Renewal/Amendment 3 --- -- 3 Days
8 The Plantation Labour Act,1951 Registration 7 --- --- 7 Days
Amendment 3 --- --- 3 Days
9 Legal Metrology Act, 2009(a) DEALER REPAIRER MANUFACTURER Licence 7 3 5 15 Days
Renewal 3 2 --- 5 Days
Amendment 3 2 2 7 Days
Legal Metrology Act, 2009 (b)PACKAGED COMMODITIES RULES PACKER IMPORTER Registration 3 2 2 7 Days
Amendment 3 2 2 7 Days

