The Act prohibits the employment of a child in a factory who has not completed 14 years
A person shall not be qualified for being engaged as an Apprentice unless he is not less than 14 years of age.
Child means a person who has not completed his 14th year
The Act prohibits the employment of a child below 16 years of age for work below ground.
The Act prohibits the employment of a child Labourers in all sectors and adolescent labourers in hazardous occupations and processes.
The Act prohibits the employment of Children less than 14 years of age in any motor transport undertaking.
The Act prohibits the employment of children less than 14 years of age in any industrial premises manufacturing beedi or cigar.
The Act prohibits employment of a Child who has not completed 14 years of age
The Act prohibits employment of a Child who have not completed 16 years of age.
The Act prohibits employment of Child who has not completed 16 years of age
The Act prohibits employment of Children who have not completed 16 years of age in any scheduled employment.