These officers, who are four in number are allotted different functions on the Administrative side of the Department.
Administrative Officer (General) is in-charge of all meetings and conferences in which the Commissioner of Labour is involved as a member or convenor as the case may be so far as this Department is concerned.
He is notified as "Deputy Controller" under the Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act, 1985 for the State of Tamil Nadu and assisting the Controller of Legal Metrology in the Administration of the Weights and Measures Legislation.
He is in-charge of Library. "Inspector" under the Working Journalists (Conditions of Services and Miscellaneous provision) Act for the Chennai City. Correspondence relating to issue of press releases from the Secretariat as well as from headquarters officers.
Administrative Officer (Minimum Wages) is assisting the Deputy Commissioner of Labour (Minimum Wages) as well as the Commissioner of Labour in the fixation/revision of minimum rates of wages to the Scheduled employments.
He is also Drawing and Disbursing Officer for the establishment of the Commissioner of Labour.
He is also in-charge of the Section which is attending to papers relating to statistical returns under various labour enactments which are due to the State Government, Government of India and Labour Bureau, Simla and is attending the files related to Motor Transport Workers Act.