1 Personal Accident Relief Rs 1,00,000
A. Accident Death Rs 1,00,000
B. Loss Of
    (i). Both Hands
    (ii) Both Feet
    (iii) One Hand & One Foot
    (iv) Total and Irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes
Rs 1,00,000
C. Loss of one hand, one foot or loss of sight in one eye. Rs 50,000
D. Artificial limbs and Wheel Chair As per norms and at the rates fixed by the Tamilnadu differently Abled Persons Welfare Board
E. Other disablement Percentage as assessed by Doctor
2 Natural Death Rs 15,000
3 Funeral Expenses Rs 2,000
4 Educational Assistance (For two children of the worker)
(ii) if the son or daughter passed 10th Std Rs 1,000
(ii) if the son or daughter passed 10th Std Rs 1,000
(iii) if the daughter is studying 11th Std Rs 1,000
(iv) if the daughter is studying 12th std Rs 1,500
(v) if the son or daughter passed 12th std Rs 1,500

i Regular Bachlor Degree Course
For Each Academic Year Rs. 1,500
For Hostel Students Rs. 1,750
ii Regular Post Graduate Course
For Each Academic Year Rs. 4,000
For Hostel Students Rs. 5,000
iii Law, Engineering, Medicine, Veterinary Science & allied Professional course
For Each Academic Year Rs. 4,000
For Hostel Students Rs. 6,000
iv Post Graduate Professional Course
For Each Academic Year Rs. 6,000
For Hostel Students Rs. 8,000
v I.T.I. or Polytechnic Course
For Each Academic Year Rs. 1,000
For Hostel Students Rs. 1,200
vi Marriage Assistance For Men Rs. 3000
Marriage Assistance For Women Rs. 5000
Maternity Assistance Rs. 6,000
vii Miscarriage/Medical Termination Rs. 3,000
viii Spectacles Assistance Upto Rs. 500
ix Pension Rs. 1000/- pm